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Literature Searching: Deciding Where to Search

Where should I start searching?

  • Search FindIt to search across a huge range of library resources.
  • Search PubMed which is one of the most up to date and comprehensive biomedical databases available.
  • Select relevant specialist subject databases from our A-Z list.
  • Search Heritage Online for books and e-books.
  • The Medical Websites page also has links to general health and medical resources plus sources of statistics.

Find It

Find It

Start your research here!  Find It searches across a huge range of library resources including databases, e-journals and e-books, and contains full-text articles for students and staff.

Off-campus access: Institutional login required (HSU username and password).

If you want to save links to articles to access later on, you will need to save them as permanent links rather than copying the URLs.  Please see this FAQ for instructions.


PubMed is one of the most useful databases for medical research. It is a service of the U.S. National Library of Medicine that includes over 16 million citations from the journals in the MEDLINE database as well as biomedical articles from further life-science journals. PubMed covers the fields of medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, the health care system, preclinical sciences and is one of the most up to date biomedical databases available.

PubMed includes links to full-text journals. Select 'Abstract' from the display settings to view the full-text icons.

No login required.
Database help guide.

Heritage Online

Useful tips for finding more references

1. Look at the list of references at the end of journal articles and book chapters to find other useful references.

2. Most databases have a link to related reading.  In 'Find It', the 'Find Similar Results' link is on the left of the detailed results screen.

3. Many databases, including 'Find It', give you an option to discover whether a reference has been cited by anybody else.  In 'Find It', click on the 'PlumX Metrics' link below a reference.  This gives you the following information:

  • details of any more recent articles that have cited that author or research
  • how often it has been captured or accessed
  • if it has been mentioned in news items or on blogs
  • if it has been promoted on social media