Students learning at a distance receive an additional seven days loan period on seven day and general loan books.
In addition, e-books are available and we may be able to email scanned chapters from print books, within copyright restrictions. Please contact the Library and Learning Services Team for details.
We can post out books requested by you to a home or work address if they are not available online. Simply contact us with the details of the books you wish to borrow. You will need to pay the return postage and please obtain proof of postage.
Do you have a book suggestion for the Library? Let us know.
The Inter-Library Loan service enables you to borrow items (or to receive copies of items) which are not held in our stock. Project year students, Clinic year students, final year Undergraduate students, and taught Postgraduate students are given a free allowance of 5 items per academic year. Teaching staff are not charged for Inter-Library Loans.
Inter-Library Loan charges are subsidised at £5.00 per article or book chapter. In stock articles/chapters can be photocopied for distance-learning students at 5p per (black/white) sheet copied plus £1.00 per article/chapter.
Please submit requests for journal articles or book chapters by completing an Inter-Library Loan request form.
For queries, please contact Learning Services.