There are many resources available on digital and information literacy and it can be confusing to know the best place to start. Gathered below are a range of links which will be useful to help you understand more; from understanding and assessing your own skills, to research and case studies from other institutions and examples of how to incorporate digital and information literacy skills into the curriculum.
Jisc believe that 90% of new jobs will require excellent digital skills, and that employers value graduates who display such skills as communicating effectively using a range of digital media and critically evaluating the validity and reliability of online information (Jisc, 2013).
Therefore improving digital literacy is essential for enhancing employability. Students may already feel confident that they have these skills, however, technology changes quickly and it is important to continue to develop skills.
Technology is ubiquitous and pervasive in the world we are teaching, learning and working in, and the rate of change is accelerating particularly with technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) and augmented and virtual realities (AR and VR); developing confidence in selecting, using, assessing and managing digital tools are key employment skills.
The following resources will help you understand more about digital literacy and how it impacts on both you and your students:
Jisc Webinar: Developing staff digital literacies
Slides from a webinar in March 2013
Open University Digital Literacy Framework
University of Suffolk Academic and Information Literacies Framework
Developing Digital Literacies and the Role of Institutional Support Services
Presentation by Sheila MacNeill, Assistant Director, University of Strathclyde, June 2012
Journal of Information Literacy
The Journal of Information Literacy publishes innovative and challenging research articles and project reports which push the boundaries of information literacy thinking in theory, practice and method, and which aim to develop deep and critical understandings of the role, contribution and impact of information literacies in everyday contexts, education and the workplace.
Nordic Journal of Digital Literacy
The Nordic Journal of Digital Literacy publishes articles that deal thematically with digital literacy and the use of ICT in educational settings.
There are several different 'models' of information literacy:
SCONUL Seven Pillars of Information Literacy
The UK IL model has a core framework with associated 'lenses' such as the Research lens and Digital Literacy lens, which use context specific terminology
ANCIL: A New Curriculum for Information Literacy
ANCIL offers a practical approach to developing IL in the curriculum
Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education
2015 detailed American model based on Threshold Concepts theory
UNESCO offers guidance and a review of global Information Literacy resources.